After nearly a year since my last post I have acquired many new items to my collection. I have so much shit to show you guys (and gals). Among my new loot is the coveted:
I stumbled upon this gem through another collector by the name of "Nintendo Dan". Nintendo Dan has one of the best collections I've seen, you'll see for yourself when I post an interview I'll be doing with him. If you're not familiar with the test station here's a youtube video that I found which teaches you all about this hard to find collector's item:
Here's a close up of the AV connectors.
As you can see in the picture below, I am using a Commodore 64 monitor because just like many of other test stations that are out there, mine is missing the original 9" panasonic tv it originally came with. I am also on the lookout for the Nintendo Service Station sign that would sit on the tv.My test station still has the plate on which the tv is supposed to rest on.
You can remove it too.
Not only was this test station meant to test the working condition of your NES console and peripherals, there was also an adjoining unit made that did the same for the SNES. Rad huh?It's really just a glorified Nintendo, but it sure feels good to own one finally.
Glad to have ya back, I've read your post for awhile just never commented on it. Keep it up!